IT Recruitment — Practical Handbook

Paulo Cristo
4 min readOct 21, 2020

If you´re a software developer or a software engineer (no, it´s not the same, and you better learn your stuff first if you still think these are synonyms) with a decent experience and you have an appealing profile on Linkedin, you probably have been contacted by IT recruiters or recruitment agencies dozens or even hundreds of times. Probably it happens every single day, even more than once.

If you hang around Linkedin reading posts or comments from developers/engineers , the chances are that you already realised that their relationship and opinion about IT recruiters and recruitment agencies in general is not exactly the very best. And there is a good reason for that. For me they either just to not care or they simply do not want to learn from past mistakes. I know they have a tone of excuses but none of them is a good excuse.

There is no good excuse for waisting someone´s precious time, and if you keep hearing developers complaining about the process you should start listening to them, instead of keep doing the same things over and over, exactly in the same manner. As with everything else in life, the answer is evolution. You have to evolve. Well, we all have, but this particular handbook is written for you. If there is something weird happening on the “backstage”, if you do not know the job details, then discuss that with whoever is in charge, prior to…



Paulo Cristo

IT problem solver (aka; Software Engineer), Gym addict and Hobbyist Writer. Blockchain & Web3 believer. Talks about #remotework #itrecruitment #web3 #gamedev